
Technical Insights
Creating punch and width in your mix
Creating width in your mixes. By Sameer Sengupta A lot of producers I meet are very interested in getting ‘width’ into their mixes, but there’s a common mistake that I frequently encounter in the mixes I’m sent for mastering. All too often, the producer’s obsession for width sees them dragging ‘stereo widening’ type plugins onto nearly every channel, to… […]
July 30th 2014

Mastering, Staff, Uncategorised
Mixing with your Mastering Engineer with Steve Smart
Mixing with your Mastering Engineer By Steve Smart To book Steve for your mastering project, contact Lynley on 02 9698 5888 or In most mastering situations, stereo mixes are used for the final mastering session. But sometimes I go a little further than that… And the producer or mixer brings in their computer, with […]
July 8th 2014

Recording, Staff, Technical Insights, Uncategorised
Bass on a Budget
I recently wrote this piece for our friends at Liveschool, but realised its relevant to our audience too. A wonderful thing about music production these days, is that you can do it without the need for a big studio. But if you’re interested in making bass heavy music, then there’s nothing more important than getting […]
May 27th 2014
Newsletter, Recording, Staff, Technical Insights
SSL vs Neve
As I tour people through our recording facilities in Sydney, I usually refer to our Neve 88R and SSL 9000k consoles as the “Ferrari and Lamborghini of mixing consoles”…. They are both the best cars that money can buy, but it’s up to the driver as to which one they prefer to drive. Occasionally that remark satisfies my visitor […]
May 8th 2013
Staff, Technical Insights
Dadalife – Sausage Fattener
This is one of my favourite distortion units and its amazingly cheap (get it here It’s great for creating super gnarly crunched up distortions, but one of my favourite things to do with this plug-in is to use it on the master bus, or even in mastering itself. If you have a mix that is […]
April 17th 2013